Animal Welfare Policy






The objective of this document is to clearly set out Liffey Meats recognition that animal welfare is of utmost importance to our business and stakeholders.

We work with many beef farmers across Ireland to source superior quality beef for our customer base. Animal welfare standards on our supplying farms is both essential an integral, to produce an end product efficiently and to a very high quality, therefore benefitting everyone in the supply chain.


This Welfare Policies reflect our minimum requirements, which we strive to exceed wherever possible. We expect all our Suppliers and business partners to adhere to these standards, which form part of our contractual relationships.

General Animal Welfare Standards

Liffey Meats are committed to maintaining the highest of welfare standards and we and our producers shall adhere to the ‘Five Freedom’ concepts

All farms should follow the 5 freedoms concept that underpins animal welfare practices at farm level:

  • Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition
  • Freedom from discomfort
  • Freedom from pain, injury and disease
  • Freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour
  • Freedom from fear and distress

Beyond these foundational requirements, Liffey Meats also believe that all animals within our supply chain should experience positive emotional health reflected as a minimum as a life worth living.


Implementation & Review

At Liffey Meats we are committed to compliance with all relevant legislation, and we support and promote the animal welfare policies of all our customers. We will regularly review this policy in line with legislation changes, codes of practices, research and development advancements and needs of customers and stakeholders.

This policy is managed and implemented by the Liffey Meats Animal welfare officer and team. Progress on animal welfare is continued reviewed against the company Animal Welfare objectives.

Management Commitment

  • Maintaining and promoting an animal welfare culture within Liffey Meats Plants and with service providers
  • Meeting Market and stakeholder expectations with regards to animal welfare
  • Safeguarding the welfare of animals at each stage of the process
  • Providing adequate resources to permit the implementation of the animal welfare policy
  • Providing the infrastructure and environment, including equipment, plant, and structures necessary to maintain and improve animal welfare
  • To have full compliance with the relevant clauses, annexes and amendments of the animal welfare regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 on protection of animals at time of slaughter.


General Policies

  • Cloned animals or 1st generation progeny of cloned animals are not
  • The use of HP CIAs are not desired for use in animals destined for Liffey Meats.

Suppliers must declare if these have been used in cattle presented for slaughter.

Farm Management Practices Disbudding and Dehorning:

Calves must be disbudded before 8 weeks of age (unless completely raised horned, or naturally polled).

Dehorning must only take place where the horn is growing in such a way that is injurious to the animal.

If disbudded or dehorned, we recommend animals should receive both local anaesthesia and longer-term pain relief.

Castration: If animals are to be castrated, the recommendation is this should be done before 8 weeks of age. We recommend animals should receive both local anaesthesia and longer-term pain relief.

Identification: Cattle must not be hot branded or identified using dewlap tags.

Tail docking: Tail docking is not permitted for any cattle in line with EU legislation

Close Confinement: Tethering is not permitted on farm.

Environmentally Enrichment: We recommend that all cattle must have had, access to outside grazing.


Animal Welfare Training

Animal Welfare Officer: The Animal Welfare Officer on site at abattoirs must hold a current certificate of competence EC 1099/2009

All personnel: All personnel involved in live animal handling and management at the abattoir must have received training from the certified Animal Welfare Officer.



Transporting Cattle

  • All live animal transportation is kept to a minimum where Maximum transport time from farm to abattoir is 8 hours.
  • Vehicles being used for transportation must be fit for There should be no sharp projections, holes in floor, broken/loose fixtures, slippery floors.
  • Vehicles must be easy to
  • Vehicles must have a non-slip
  • Haulers and their equipment must be approved under an independently audited quality assurance scheme.
  • Transporters must hold a valid driving license for the vehicle they are driving and must be authorized by the appropriate authority to transport animals.
  • No person may transport any animal unless: it is fit for the intended journey and suitable provision is made for its care and welfare during the journey and on arrival at
  • Animals must be able to comfortably bear weight on all four legs and walk onto the vehicle
  • Drivers must display consideration for the animals on the
  • Vehicles and equipment used to transport animals must be disinfected between each journey, unless when journeys are between the same 2 sites, then they can be cleaned and disinfected after the last load is delivered.
  • Upon arrival at site animals and vehicles are monitored at unloading to ensure
  • No on farm slaughter carcass or downer animals are accepted onto site
  • Competent people must accompany and handle cattle coming onto site
  • Please refer to pdf ( around the guidelines in relation to transportation



  • Antibiotics are not to be used routinely or as growth
  • Preventative antibiotic use is not
  • Where it is necessary to treat an animal, it must be done under veterinary supervision with the vet deciding which type of antibiotic is appropriate. All antibiotic usage must be recorded in the farm veterinary medicine records. Every farm must have an up-to-date animal health plan, which must be regularly reviewed by both the veterinary surgeon and

Health Plan / Veterinary Procedures

  • Veterinary procedures must be carried out ensuring stress is kept to a minimum. Any common veterinary activities must be carried out in accordance with These include disbudding, castration, dosing and injection.
  • Hormonal growth promotors must not be
  • Isolation facilities must be available for sick or injured
  • When injecting, cattle should be handled in a manner that minimizes Manufacturers guidelines for dosage rates and injection procedures should be followed.


Communication of Policy

Producer requirements and Policies are communicated to our farmers via several methods. These include regular communication with procurement, text message service, events, & social media.

We endeavour to provide information to our supply base that is beneficial for decision making on farm and that ultimately leads to continuous improvement on farm that benefits animal welfare as well as farm profitability therefore ensuring continued production for the future.

Francis Mallon – CEO











Anthony Lyons – Animal Welfare Officer